Tristan Isham 4 Feb 2025, 10:31 pm · edited

How to Serve A SolidJS App With A Go Backend

Setup a Vite development server with a Go backend.
Tristan Isham 26 Nov 2024, 6:12 pm · edited

AI Won't Replace Writing

Paul Graham wrote an essay saying in a couple decades, most people won't be able to write because of AI. I disagree.
Tristan Isham 8 Nov 2024, 7:33 pm

An Epiphany in a Chocolate Shake

My day starts slowly. A cup of coffee, a quick YouTube video, and I’m off to work. It’s not a long commute to my office in the other room, but by the time I’ve sat down my mind is already buzzing with a long list of tasks. Distractions like unfinished chores leftover from the week and new work for today. I find it hard to lock in on tasks I’m not personally interested in, or to stay focused for long bits of time. I tend to flutter between busywork until I find a single task to focus on, at which point I can stay targeted on that task for hours. I get my work done, but I wish I could still accomplish more.

Hi, my name is Tristan Isham

I'm a software developer , writer, and hobbyist artist.
